June 24, 2009

Almost There...

I got great news yesterday! I was swimming and had a voicemail on my phone from a Portland phone number. I figured it had to be LDSFS with hopefully good news, but didn't want to get my hopes up too high. It was Pauletta (I just love her - she's so great) from LDSFS letting us know that our background checks came back and everything looked good!! I was bouncing because I was so excited. It just feels so REAL now. Now pretty much everything's done! We're so close. I talked to our caseworker, Brent, today to see what to do now. He's meeting with the board on July 6 to go over all of our information (home study, pictures, letter, everything) and will know that day if we've been approved!! That's in a week and a half!! Assuming everything goes well, we should have our profile up online then.

Even though this last part has taken so long, I have still loved every single part of this process and wouldn't change it for the world. I know this is how everything has needed to work for us. I know we've had so many prayers offered in our behalf, and again, I'm so grateful for them. Thank you all so much for being so supportive and excited! It makes all the difference in the world to be surrounded by such great, loving people!


stephschmidt said...

HOORAY!!!! I am so happy for you guys! What wonderful (and not too surprising :) ) news that you both passed the background check and things are moving along! I am so excited! I can't wait to get a call in a week and a half telling me your profile's online and you're all set!

the splendid life of us... said...

I just got the excited tingles! This totally makes my week! I can't even truly express how excited I am for you! I hope we will be getting this very same call in about a year...

Michelle said...

Yea! I am so excited!

Heather said...

Wow, guys, that's great!
Miss you...who else would call Landon to offer condolences of the death of MJ?!

Katie-babe said...

That is way cool. I'm so excited for you. I was thinking about you this morning and looked at the blog. I'm smiling from ear to ear. I can't wait to see how things go for you next!